Well Baby Clinic
Glenpark Medical Practice
Wednesday 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Lead Doctor: Dr Jonathan Harness
Lead Nurse: Sr Jen McGonnell
The Well Baby Clinic is a drop in clinic run jointly by the Health Visitors, Practice Nurses and the Doctors. Its main purpose is to promote the health and well being of babies and children up to the age of 5 years.

No appointment is necessary for routine advice from the Health Visitor or Practice Nurse.
Doctors appointments are available for the routine 6-8 week check and for advice on chronic (long term) disease and child development. If you would like an appointment with the doctor, please speak with the Health Visitors or Practice Nurses. Your doctor may also refer you to the Well Baby Clinic.
Doctors appointments at the clinic are in demand. If you find that you can no longer keep an appointment, please phone the surgery in advance so that the appointment can be given to someone else. It would also help if you would arrive at the clinic 15 minutes before your appointment time (so that you can book in and get your child weighed.)
Routine immunisations are also given at the clinic.
In order to prevent infections being passed on to other babies, please do not bring unwell children to the clinic. If your child has a temperature or is unwell, they should be seen at a normal surgery appointment.
We positively encourage breast feeding and you are welcome to breast feed during your trip to the surgery, whether or not this is during the baby clinic. If you wish to have privacy to nurse your baby, please speak to the receptionists.
For mothers choosing to use formula milk, you are also welcome to feed your baby whilst you are waiting. However, we do not have bottle warming facilities.
Glenpark Medical Centre has baby changing facilities.