Respiratory Clinic
Lead Doctor: Dr Bronwyn Tasker
Nurse Practitioner: Sr Amelia Kerr
Nurse: Sr Fran Ashcroft; Sr Jen McGonnell
We no longer have specific respiratory clinics; they are all incorporated into our care and support planning clinics.
One of our doctors, Bronwyn Tasker, has a special interest in the care of people with respiratory illnesses.
(Please forgive us as we continue to improve our website. This page is a legacy page, but has loads of links below that are still useful (until we can move them)

Useful Links
A patient leaflet about asthma
A patient leaflet about COPD (also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Information about COPD from the British Lung Foundation
Information about COPD on NHS choices website
Asthma Personal Action Plans - do you know what to do?
Asthma UK: Asthma in children (including Childhood Personal Action Plans)