Diabetic Clinic
Glenpark Medical Centre
Lead Doctor: Dr Rebecca Haines
Nurse Practitioner: Sr Amelia Kerr
Most patients who are registered at our surgery and have diabetes are seen in the practice diabetic clinic. Sometimes patients are also seen at the hospital clinic.
The diabetes care at Glenpark is led by Dr Becky Haines and our Nurse Practitioner Amelia Kerr.

Your annual review will be in your birthday month, and if you have other long term conditions we will review these all together in a care planning appointment (please see the Care and Support Planning section). You will see the Healthcare Assistant first, to gather information such as blood tests, blood pressure check your feet and any other tests you need. They will also ask about your general wellbeing and offer you information about your conditions.
Once your results have been checked by Dr Haines or Amelia, we will send you a letter with the date and time for your main care planning appointment. This letter contains a yellow care plan, which includes some of your results and an explanation of what these mean. We hope this gives you some time to consider your results before we see you, and there is plenty of room to make a note of the things that you feel are important to discuss at this appointment. We hope that after your care planning appointment you will feel more able to manage your diabetes and other conditions, and have thought about setting a goal for the months ahead.
Please have a look at our Care and Support Planning page for more detailed information.
You will also have checks of your diabetes at either 4 or 6 months, with one of the diabetes team.
Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of developing problems such as strokes, heart attacks, nerve damage, kidney damage and eye problems. We aim to help you reduce the risk of these complications by learning more about diabetes and lifestyle choices you can make to keep you well, and to help you control your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and blood sugars.
Everyone with diabetes should be seen by a retinal screener once a year to have their eyes checked, and we will also refer you to see a dietician or podiatrist if needed.
If we send you an appointment time which is inconvenient, please phone reception as soon as possible and ask to speak to Chelsea who will try and arrange a more convenient time.
If you ever have any concerns about your diabetes or treatment please telephone the surgery and either arrange an appointment with Dr Haines, Amelia Kerr or speak to the on call doctor for advice.