We offer a comprehensive range of contraceptive and family planning services, including coil fitting and implant insertion.
We also participate in the free condoms for under 25s scheme.
For advice on contraception, make an appointment with one of the doctors, Sr Amelia Kerr or Sr Cathy Steele.

Every woman and every couple is different, and no one contraceptive option is right for everyone. Contraceptive needs can change over time. For all these reasons, it is important that you review your contraception choices regularly:
- Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (“the pill”, or COCP): we normally recommend a review 3 months after starting or changing to the COCP and then 6-12 monthly
- Progesterone Only Pill (“mini-pill” or POP): we normally recommend a review 3 months after starting or changing to the COCP and then 6-12 monthly
- Longer Acting Reversible Contraceptives: these are generally have a lower risk of an accidental pregnancy than the pill or mini-pill. Examples include the Depo-provera (12 weekly injection), ‘Implant’ and coil. Once in place these last for longer than the oral contraceptives. For the depo-provera you will be reviewed by the nurse before each injection. For the implant and coil we would aim to review you before they are due to be changed (usually 3-5 years depending on the type).
Of course you are welcome to make an appointment at any time to review your contraception.
You may find the following leaflets helpful in deciding which contraception is right for you:
Hormonal Methods:
- Contraceptive Options Overview
- Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill
- Progesterone Only Pill
- Nexplanon (Contraceptive Implant)
- Depo-Provera (and other Hormonal Injections)
- Intrauterine System (IUS or Mirena) and Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)
Barrier Methods:
Condoms (Contraceptive Sheath)*
Diaphragms and Caps
Female Condom*
* These can help to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
Permanent Contraception:
Female Sterilisation
Contraception in Special Circumstances
Around the menopause
In women with epilepsy
Following the birth of a child
Natural Family Planning
Emergency Contraception
If you have intercourse without contraception, or if there is a failure with your usual contraception (for example a missed pill or split condom) and you do not wish the risk of getting pregnant, speak to a health professional as soon as possible afterwards. It may be possible to prevent pregnancy by using an emergency contraceptive pill or fitting a coil.
There are emergency contraceptive pills which are effective up to 120 hours after intercourse. An emergency intrauterine contraceptive device can be used up to 5 days later, longer in certain circumstances.
For more information on emergency contraception, click here:
How Reliable are Each of these Methods?
We found this guide on which helps to show how effective at preventing pregnancy each method is: Contraceptive Effectiveness