Antenatal Clinic
Glenpark runs a midwife led antenatal clinic. If you have had a positive pregnancy test, (either home test or at the surgery), then we would like you to make contact with our midwife as soon as possible.
If you are taking any regular medication, then it would also be advisable to discuss them with the on-call doctor to check they are safe in pregnancy.
The clinics are at various times in the week (though usually Wednesday and Friday mornings).

So our midwife can contact you, please complete our antenatal booking form. This can be collected from reception. Please complete it and return it to reception at the Health Centre where you will be given an information pack which includes details on where you may wish to have the baby. (eg Queen Elizabeth Hospital, RVI,home confinement etc)
The midwife will then call you within 2 weeks and arrange an appointment with you. At this appointment the following will be covered:
- Choice of place of birth
- Healthy lifestyle advice including diet and help with stopping smoking if needed
- Screening tests you may wish to have including scans.
You will then be seen routinely throughout your pregnancy by the midwife as per NICE guidelines
Thinking of Pregnancy?
If you are thinking about starting or expanding your family, then you may find this NHS webpage helpful.
In short:
- start taking folic acid
- cut down on alcohol (ideally stop drinking alcohol altogether)
- stop smoking
- eat a healthy diet and exercise
- if you are taking any medication or have a long term condition, speak to a doctor
- check if you are up to date with all your vaccines (especially the MMR)
Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
FREE antenatal classes
The aim of this programme is to support parents to be through a refreshing, new approach to antenatal education. The programme runs for 5 weeks covering the following topics:
- Our developing baby
- Changes for me and us
- Giving birth and meeting our baby
- Caring for our baby
- Our health and well-being
- People who are there for us
Your midwife will be able to tell you the dates of courses in the area. Numbers are limited so booking is essential. For more information or to book, please speak either to your midwife or the health visitors.
Birth Revisited
Sometimes after you have given birth you will have questions about your pregnancy, labour or delivery.
You may have feelings which were not what you had expected to have. Sometimes having a midwife who was not involved in your care to go through your experiences can really help you understand your situation.
If you give birth in QE Maternity and you have questions about your maternity care or what happened during the labour and birth, they can help with their Birth Revisited Service.
The service is run by a team of 'on call' supervisor of midwives - experienced practicing midwives who have undertaken additional training to support and guide both you and their midwife colleagues. They can ensure that the care offered is right for you, given in the right place, by the best person and that it will be of benefit to you and your baby.
If you have had a traumatic birth, long labour, normal birth, or are pregnant again, they would like to help you reflect on your experiences and offer support as you move into the future.
If you would like to talk to a member of the team, you can contact them at the QE Maternity reception for an appointment on 445 2763.